
The True Sight Oracle Deck

Created by Eric

An oracle deck inspired by Dungeons and Dragons: created for both divination and tabletop role-playing games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Important Update Regarding Timelines, Production Quality, and Surveys
4 months ago – Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 10:49:05 AM

Hi backers! I have a lot of important updates to share, and I’ll do my best to keep this concise, but all of the gears of this project have begun to turn at once, so there is quite a bit of new information, and I would like to be thorough as I share it all with you!

First of all, Kickstarter has finished collecting pledges and has transferred the funds to me this week, which means that production costs can finally be paid to the manufacturers helping to make the True Sight Oracle possible. I am hammering out final details with the various people who are helping to manufacture the True Sight Oracle deck and its add-ons.

Let’s talk about surveys.

I am still planning to use BackerKit to send out surveys, which will be the method through which you can provide shipping information, shipping payment, and any other special information that might be needed for your rewards.

Because BackerKit will collect your shipping payment, and it’s currently the holiday season, I am going to hold off on sending out surveys until the holiday season has ended so that your shipping costs aren’t over-inflated by the seasonal increase to prices. I will be sure to keep you updated at every step, but for now, you can expect your survey to hit your inbox early next year as production on the deck itself is hopefully beginning to wrap.

I have some news regarding production of the deck itself as well!

While we exceeded our goal here on Kickstarter to get the True Sight Oracle produced, we unfortunately didn’t hit our stretch goals to improve the production quality of the guidebook and deck box.

However, my initial estimates for the costs of those stretch goals were based on the price points of a printer that I am no longer planning on working with for this particular project. If you are familiar with my past work, I’ve used the same printer for the Ink Witch Tarot and the Endless Oracle- and they also made the prototype copies of the True Sight Oracle that I had printed before this Kcikstarter launched.

My most recent project was the collaborative “Apothecary Spirits Oracle,” which my collaborators and I had manufactured through a different printer than my usual one. I’ve had the Apothecary Spirits deck in my hands for a while now, and I love the quality of it! The manufacturer did great work and offers some different pricing options than my usual print service.

Additionally, there are a few larger wholesale orders for the True Sight Oracle deck that were placed with me directly, rather than through the campaign, meaning that our final budget is slightly higher than what is reflected here on Kickstarter.

All of this is a very long and wordy way of explaining some good news!

The True Sight Oracle will come with a full guidebook included in the box. The box itself will be a rigid and durable two-piece box instead of a cardboard tuck box.

If you backed the Apothecary Spirits Oracle, the look and feel of the True Sight Oracle will be very similar to that deck. If you aren’t familiar with my other work already, please know that while this deck may ultimately be a little bit different than the prototypes you’ve seen here on Kickstarter or over on Youtube, the quality will be great, and I am very excited to share the final product with you all.

SO- the TLDR, or quick recap of this update.

- I’m getting the ball rolling with manufacturers, so production should be starting soon. Hooray!

- I’m going to wait until production is wrapping up to send out surveys to collect shipping so that shipping fees are an accurate reflection of current rates, and not inflated by the holiday season. These surveys will likely come early next year, but I’ll be sure to update you all as the timeline advances.

- Production for this deck is going to be a little different than initially planned- but all for the best! The cards will come with a full guidebook and two-piece rigid box after all, at no additional cost to backers.

Finally, I’d like to mention that if you didn’t get a chance to back this campaign, or add certain extras to your pledge- there will be an opportunity to do either of these things in the future once we are set up with BackerKit, so please keep an eye open for updates about that!

Thank you all for your patience as we work toward getting this deck in your hands! Please keep an eye out for more updates soon!

We Did It! The True SIght Oracle is On the Way!
4 months ago – Fri, Nov 01, 2024 at 02:54:13 PM

Hello everyone! As you’ve probably seen, this campaign ended last night, and we were able to successfully reach our goal (and even a little extra!) 

This update is mostly just to give you all another quick thank-you for making this happen. I am so excited to share this deck with you all!

That being said, I am also in the midst of recovering from a very bad cold, so this update is going to be a little short. You can expect a larger update as soon as I’m feeling back to my old self, at which point I will also be happy to respond to any messages I’ve received here on Kickstarter in the meantime.  Thank you for being patient with me!

Right now, Kickstarter is collecting pledges, and once the funds from this campaign have been transferred to me, I’ll be able to get the ball rolling with the various manufacturers helping out with the True Sight Oracle and its add-ons. As production begins wrapping up- you’ll receive a survey asking for shipping information and fees- though it will still be a while before this happens.

Once I’m fully recovered I’ll share a more detailed update, and of course I’ll be sharing updates with each step of the process of getting your rewards sent out to you all.

If you missed this campaign, and are joining us later, I’ll be sure to have an option to pre-order the deck later- so there’s not need to worry about having missed out just yet.

Please keep an eye on your inbox for more updates soon, and again, thank you so much for being a part of this project.

A Mini Kitty Update!
5 months ago – Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 11:26:33 AM

As we close in on the finish line for this campaign, I wanted to take a quick moment to share a small update on one of the campaign’s add-ons! 

If you’ve already checked out the add-ons for this campaign, you may have seen that there’s an option for a little cat miniature modeled after the True Sight Oracle’s Familiar card.

This miniature was designed by artist Zan Miller, and is being produced for our campaign by Aszeria Props. Recently, Aszeria Props shared with me that they’ve created a base for the miniature and have been running test prints to ensure the miniature will be ready for production soon. 

I wanted to share a look at the miniature with it’s base (pictured below with a d20 for scale) so that you can see this precious little add-on as it comes together!

If you haven’t already added a cat miniature to your pledge and would like one (or a whole army of them for your campaign) you can still update your pledge to include it! There are a bunch of other great add-ons available right now, like a custom set of dice, a trio of dice-themed stickers, and all of my previous projects like the The Apothecary Spirits Oracle and the Ink Witch Tarot Deck.

As we approach the end of this campaign, take a moment to review your pledge if you need to- and also share this campaign with anyone you think might be interested in the True Sight Oracle!

We Are Fully Funded! - Group Check Successful!
5 months ago – Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 08:36:14 AM

If you haven’t already seen the notification from Kickstarter- we hit our goal yesterday!

 I’ll try to keep this quick, but I owe all of you a very big thank-you for backing this project. The True Sight Oracle has been such a treat to make, and I’ve really enjoyed using it in my own daily life. I am so happy that I’ll able to share it with you all, and I hope you love it as much as I do.

What’s next?

There is a range of strange goals that can really improve the quality of this project. With half the month left to go, I’m confident that we can hit at least a few of them! I will keep you you updated as we inch closer to some of those goals.

I’ll also be touching base with our manufacturers soon to let them know we’ve hit out goal. Not only does this project require a production team to create the decks themselves, but our exciting add-ons, like the custom dice set and the cat familiar miniature, have their own manufacturing teams as well! If there are any updates regarding what production for this project will be like, I’ll be sure to share an update.

Finally, if you’re as excited as I am, and just can’t wait for the True Sight Oracle, there are a few creators online who have been helping me to share some info about the deck.

Just yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with Gerald and Jaime from Tarotstache to talk about my work, and we touched on the True Sight Oracle among other things. (This Kickstarter actually funded during the livestream, which was very exciting!)

Dawn Michelle, Lisa Papez, and Logan Townsend have all also kindly helped me to get the word out about this deck by making some fun videos with the prototype copies that were made in anticipation of this Kickstarter. These videos are great if you want to see the cards in action, as well as a few really fun and creative ways the deck can be used.

I’ll touch base with you soon, but until then, thank you for helping to make this project happen!

New Add-Ons and Discounts
5 months ago – Sun, Oct 06, 2024 at 11:18:02 AM

We’re getting closer and closer to reaching our funding goal each day, and I can’t thank you all enough for the support that you’ve shown for this project!

This update is mostly to let you know that some new add-ons are now available, and to give a bit of an explanation about what they are and why they’ve being added.

Initially, I had hesitated to add my previous works as add-ons to this campaign until surveys get sent out, so that our funding numbers here are more reflective of this specific project’s success. However, I’ve been considering a few things lately that have changed my mind, and I’ve decided to add a few of my older projects to this campaign:

The Second Edition Ink Witch Tarot Deck, and it’s two expansion packs.

The Paper Oracle Lenormand Deck.

The Endless Oracle Deck.

And the Apothecary Spirits Oracle Deck.

I recently decided that I want to run a sort of “pre-holiday” sale for some of the decks I’ve created in the past over on my website and Etsy

I don’t love the culture of holiday sales in general, but know that one great thing about holiday sales is that they can my work a little more accessible to people. That being said, I don’t want to run a sale in the midst of all the chaos of the actual holidays- so I’m running it now.

My reason for adding my older work as add-ons to this campaign now is to allow Backers the opportunity to take advantage of this “pre-holiday sale” while prices are a little lower, and allowing interested Backers to avoid the hassle of placing multiple orders on different platforms.Ultimately, I would just feel awful offering sale prices on one platform, but not offering them to you here.

That being said, there are a few important things to note:

First of all- if you include any of these new additions to your pledge here on Kickstarter, please be aware that they will be shipped to you with your Kickstarter rewards- likely this coming spring. You won’t actually receive them for the holidays.

If you want to take advantage of these sale prices but don’t want to wait for your items to be shipped to you, please place your order on my Etsy instead.

Second, I would also like to take a moment to say that there won’t be new print-runs of the extra add-ons any time soon. The add-ons are coming from the inventory I already have on hand, which means supplies might be a little bit limited, and certain items I’ve created in the past won’t be available at this time.

Lastly, the pre-holiday sale I’m hosting on other platforms is only going to run until Halloween. Likewise, these add-ons here on Kickstarter will only be discounted until the end of this campaign.

If you are interested in any of the new add-ons that are now available, you can update your pledge to see what’s new, and add them to your rewards.

Once again, thank you so much for all of your support helping to make the True Sight Oracle Deck happen! I’m confident we’ll reach our goal soon, and will touch base with you then!